Post by Yuyu on May 27, 2015 21:30:35 GMT
The Warning System
BreedersSeveral things are going to be outlined in this, so make sure that you follow along.
Breeders are the easiest to understand in the Warning System and thus we're going to start there. Considering what they do for a living, it is required among the Association that there be a Warning System for the ranks. There are multiple things that can happen that can affect your status among the Association. These warnings are placed in the staff portion of your character's account and can be seen by the staff; a PM will also be sent to the account of the character that the warning is being implemented to so you will know what you've done wrong. Any member that's in your thread can report you to the Director, who will decide whether or not it's a big enough threat to mark a warning. The amount of warning strikes you receive also depends on the severity of the crime you've committed. If Guards are monitoring your threads, they're also capable of reporting you to the Director. Some of the things you can get in trouble with are listed below and can be added or erased at any point in time, so make sure you keep reading this thread just in case. These are some of the things:
- Fighting can cause your warning status to go up by ONE warning strike. This depends on the severity of the fight (as normal fighting goes on all the time without getting reported) and whom your character is fighting with. Someone such as the Head of Breeder Affairs might increase the warning status to TWO if the situation is too bad.
- Stealing items cause your warning status to go up by ONE warning strike. Depending on what type of item you steal, you could be brought to the Director's Office immediately or you could just be given TWO strikes. Again, this is all dependent upon the Director and the item you choose to steal.
- Disregarding any of the rules for being a Breeder can cause your warning status to go up by ONE warning strike. This is ONLY DEPENDENT upon whether or not the client decides to make a complaint, not dependent upon the Director or the Guards.
- Refusing to treat a client can cause your warning status to go up by ONE warning strike. This only happens if the character you're roleplaying as pisses off their Guard to the point of complaint. It cannot be reported any other way.
- Attempting to escape the Association causes your warning status to go up by TWO warning strikes. Any escape from the Association is considered dangerous and can put your character under extreme surveillance.
- Leaving the Association without a client or a Guard causes your warning status to go up by ONE warning strike. No Breeder is allowed to leave unless they are accompanied by a client or a Guard.
- Disrespecting any of the Guards can cause your warning status to go up by ONE warning strike. Disrespecting can be anything that the Guard decides to be unruly enough to report to the Director. From then on, the Director decides whether or not it's important enough to mark a warning strike with.
- Assaulting a Guard can cause your warning status to go up by TWO warning strikes. Assault includes tackling a Guard, sexual interactions, using a weapon against a Guard, knocking a Guard out, etc. Your best judgement is assumed here.
- Killing another Breeder or a Guard will cause your warning status to go up by THREE points and once discovered will bring you directly to the Director's Office. Chances of leaving the office alive are extremely slim as there is no tolerance for killing any Guard or Breeder.
- Being caught with any weapon will cause your warning status to go up by TWO warning strikes. No Breeder is allowed any weapon and if one is discovered upon room inspections, they will be taken for questioning to the Director or the Head of Guards.
- Driving will cause your warning status to go up by ONE warning strike. No Breeder is allowed to drive or get their license and if one is discovered, they will get a strike as a warning and have their car/license revoked.
- Having a relationship outside of their clientele in a more intimate way can cause your warning status to go up by ONE warning strike. This is only if the relationship is discovered.
- Having any association with the resistance can cause your warning status to go up by THREE warning strikes. If you are found out or discovered, you will be taken immediately to the Director's Office, where you will most likely be executed.
- Leaving any job site unattended can cause your warning status to go up by ONE warning strike. Breeders are not allowed to leave their stations and can only leave if their client or their Guard is taking them back to the Association. Otherwise, they are to stay at the job site/Association until otherwise noted.
- Harming any of the clientele can cause your warning status to go up by TWO warning strikes. Clients are not to be harmed in any way that they find unappealing to them, and if a complain is made with evidence of the harm, the strikes will be implemented immediately. There is no exception.
There is a general rule of three strikes for each character: after the third, if you are taken to the Director's Office, you may not come out alive. Be wary that though killing your character is against the power-playing rules, your character must also abide by the rules of the site in order to stay safe, thus making you ultimately responsible for what might happen to them. Few characters may become resistance members, but not all will be saved by the resistance. That's just the way life is. Most characters, once they have their third warning, cannot escape either. So be careful of what you choose to do with your character.
As a side note, going to the Director's Office isn't always the end game. Most of the time, she will offer up her evidence proving you to be guilty (past threads and witnesses) and will give you a chance to prove that you are not guilty (past threads proving worth). There are a couple things that you can't get away with, but it isn't always the end for you.
GuardsGuards are obviously given more lee way than the Breeders, but are still forced to follow a Warning System. If you disobey the Warning System and get your strikes full, you may either be executed or fired depending on the severity of the crime. Like the Breeders, there is little chance that your character might be recruited into the resistance, so be wary of how many strikes you have at all time. Below are some of the things that Guards can get in trouble for. Threads are also monitored by the Director, so be careful of what you think you can get away with. These are some things you can get strikes for:
- Harming a client can cause your warning status to go up by ONE warning strikes. Guards are there to help the clients, not to harm them, so any unnecessary holds on them or injuring them can cause you to get a strike. However, if a client becomes unstable and is looking to harm a Breeder, Guards are allowed to use as much force as necessary, disregarding lethal force.
- Harming a Breeder unnecessarily can cause your warning status to go up by ONE warning strike. This is to discourage any Guard from injuring the Breeders for sport. Though Breeders are still lower in status than a Guard, there is no exception to harming one continuously when they've done nothing wrong.
- Stealing items can cause your warning status to go up by TWO warning strikes. This is effected by multiple things. If your intimidation is high enough, then you can avoid being caught by this or tattled on. However, if your intimidation is low, then any Guard who spots your character is bound to tattle on you. This is also effected by the bribing system. Make sure you read the thread for bribing and intimidation for more clarification.
- Sneaking into the Director's Office can cause your warning status to go up by THREE warning strikes. Unless told to, no Guard is allowed to enter the office and will be terminated upon any discovery of such a thing. Other Guards will not turn a blind eye to this if your intimidation is high - the only Guard able to enter this portion of the Association is the Head Guard herself.
- Helping any Breeder escape can cause your warning status to go up by TWO warning strikes. Breeders are not allowed to escape the Association, and upon discovery of a Guard helping one, they will be given the strikes and automatically be taken to the Director herself. This is similar to the strike above, so be wary if your Guard is going to do this.
- Assisting the resistance can cause your warning status to go up by THREE warning strikes. There is no tolerance for helping the resistance, especially when you're supposed to be working against it. However, this is also effected by the bribing and intimidation system, making it easier to avoid being caught.
- Disrespecting the Director or any other Guard can cause your warning status to go up by TWO warning strikes. If the Director herself is privy to your disrespect, she may fire you right then and there. Other Guards have to report if they've had a grievance with you and dependent upon the severity will depend on whether or not you receive the strikes.
- Killing any Guard, Breeder, or Civilian can cause your warning system to go up by THREE warning strikes. Killing, unless there is just cause for it, is unacceptable and will not be tolerated by the Association. Be sure that you don't get caught if this is going to happen as the chances of you seeing light again are slim to none.
As with the Breeders, the general rule of thumb on strikes for Guards is a maximum of three. Though in most cases your character won't be killed, there is a high likelihood that they will be dismissed of their duties and told to work elsewhere. They also will be not likely to get a good job in their future as the Director's word is the final word in a matter. Understand again that the resistance can't save everyone and can't accept everyone into their group, so chances of being saved if your character does something royally fucked up are zilch. Basically, be prepared to handle it on your own, for unless you have something of extreme worth to them, they will not go out of their way to save you.
As a side note, going to the Director's Office isn't always the end game. Most of the time, she will offer up her evidence proving you to be guilty (past threads and witnesses) and will give you a chance to prove that you are not guilty (past threads proving worth). There are a couple things that you can't get away with, but it isn't always the end for you.
CiviliansThere is only one thing that can truly get any Civilian in any sort of trouble. I'm sure everyone's aware of it, but in case you aren't: the only thing that can get a Civilian in trouble is assisting the resistance. If a Civilian is caught helping a member, they will have a warrant for their arrest and will be brought to the Director for questioning. Chances of surviving this are extremely high considering the Director will want the Civilian as her own spy group on them, but it should be noted that any Civilian that's been caught will be monitored nearly 24/7.
As a side note, going to the Director's Office isn't always the end game. Most of the time, she will offer up her evidence proving you to be guilty (past threads and witnesses) and will give you a chance to prove that you are not guilty (past threads proving worth). There are a couple things that you can't get away with, but it isn't always the end for you.
ResistanceThe resistance is a similar situation to the Civilians. However, the only thing that one has to worry about here is getting caught. Risk factors are high depending on the type of member you are in the resistance, your gender, and whether or not you were declared dead. Resistance members must be extremely careful, for if they're caught they will be immediately put to death for treason against the Director.